CAMSafe is a CCTV and security video registry aimed at keeping our community safe by giving you the opportunity to assist police solve crime.

  • Volunteer registry of doorbell, security and CCTV camera systems
  • Free of charge
  • Delete your information and account at any time
  • CAMSafe nor police have access to your footage or camera
  • Only basic contact information and address is required to sign up
  • Only police have access to the registry information

Find out more at




Law Enforcement Torch Run – June 28, 2024

Tomorrow, June 28, 2024, officers will run the Flame of Hope into Brockville, alongside our local Special Olympians, arriving at Hardy Park at approximately 10:30am. The Law Enforcement Torch Run, is a great campaign to raise money and spread awareness for this fantastic event! Come to Hardy Park, and join us with our athletes who will be competing at the Special Olympics throughout the year. 

Postponed – Women In Policing Night – Postponed

This event has been postponed to a future date.


May 14th, 2024 – St. Lawrence College, Brockville Campus
6pm – 8pm

For more information contact Cst. Allie Dedekker
                                                613-342-0127   or


Safe St. Patrick’s Day

The Brockville Police Service hopes that everyone enjoys this upcoming St. Patrick’s Day weekend! Our members also want to take part and share in all of the fun. With all of this in mind, please, make sure you are safe on this exciting day. Every year, it is a fun day to celebrate with family and friends. If you plan to celebrate, please plan to get home safely from any festivities. Call a cab or arrange for a designated driver. 

Board Meeting Cancellation

The next regular scheduled Brockville Police Service Board meeting for February 27th has been cancelled.  The next regular meeting will take place on Tuesday, March 26th at 1:30pm at the Brockville Police Headquarters.

King Yee, Jr.

Building Needs Assessment

The Brockville Police Service (BPS) is seeking proposals from qualified consultants to conduct a facility needs analysis and develop a capital plan based off of the facility needs to address short, medium, and long term requirements for the BPS. Short term is defined as 2-5 years, medium term is 10-15 years, and long term is 25 years based on the forecasted population growth within the City of Brockville. The over all needs assessment and plan shall take into account the short, medium, and long term requirements not only for each individual facility, but also the BPS as a whole.

The City of Brockville is seeking the most competitive pricing by means of this tender.  A public opening of the tenders will not be taking place and is not scheduled.

Conditions for bidding are such that a supplier is required to have the legal and financial responsibilities to undertake the relevant scope defined in the tender.

 To access further information  Bids and Tenders – Brockville