The mission of the Brockville Police Service is to ensure safety and security through partnerships within our Community.
2024 Brockville Police Services Board
Chair Mr. King Yee Jr.
Councilor Mike Kalivas
Councilor Jeff Earle
Member Sonya Jodoin
Community Member Larry Journal
Secretary Lesley White
The Brockville Police Services Board is committed to the principle that people are our most important resource.
Statement of Principle
Accordingly, this Police Service affirms and supports its intention for and adherence to:
- the principles of equity and fairness embodied in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Ontario Human Rights Code, and the Police Services Act.
- the principles of community service and community policing embodied in the Police Services Act.
- the principle of honest communication internally within the Police Service, as well as with our community.
- the principle of sensitivity and compassion for victims of crime.
- the principle of continuous improvement and education of members of the Police Service.
The vision of the Brockville Police Service is to provide efficient and proactive community policing.
Policy of the Board Regarding this Vision
While the Board establishes the broadest policies, further decision on specific objectives to achieve the vision belong to the Chief of Police.
- That the Chief act in a manner that is both fair and equitable and without prejudice to all citizens.
- That the decisions of the Chief of Police are consistent with any reasonable interpretation of Board policies and priorities within executive limitations are acceptable.
- That the Chief act in a manner that is ethical and prudent in the setting of objectives and strategies towards these ends.
- That the Chief is constrained by the financial restraints imposed through the yearly budgetary process and any deviation must have the approval of the Board.
- That the Chief, in conjunction with the Board, review and set priorities and goals on a prescribed and agreed-upon basis.
The Community
The City of Brockville is situated along the St. Lawrence River between Montreal and Toronto. Highway 401 divides the City and this offers travelers and commuters a great location to stop. Whether you are travelling for business or pleasure, we are always happy to host you.
The City of Brockville is unique in that it owns 17 Islands located on the St. Lawrence River. Many of the islands are available to transient and seasonal campers looking for a slice of island life. Whether you travel on a jet ski, kayak or luxury yacht, these islands have something for everyone.
Brockville Police Services Board
Section 31 of the Police Services Act (1997) sets out the authority of a Police Services Board. All municipal police services have a Board. The Board governs the policies, goals and objectives of the police service.
The Brockville Police Services Board is composed of five members. The two Councilors from the City of Brockville are on the Board, plus three appointed members, two appointed by the Province, the other appointed by City Council.
The Board is eager to be open and maintain communication with the public and be informed. They welcome the public. Anyone interested in making a presentation to the Board should make an appointment with Lesley White, Secretary to the Board,
The Board’s mailing address is:
Brockville Police Services Board
2269 Parkedale Ave.
Brockville, Ontario
K6V 3G9
The public is invited to attend the Brockville Police Services Board meetings, held on the 4th Tuesday of each month. Meetings are held at Brockville Police Headquarters, 2269 Parkedale Avenue, Brockville, 1:30 p.m. public meeting, followed by the In Camera. Meetings are held each month EXCEPT for July, August and December.