In 2003 the Brockville Police Service developed a concept to build a team of officers whose purpose was to execute search warrants in a systematic and consistent manner.
In the past, when search warrants were executed, Detectives would take a few patrol officers from the road and complete the task assigned. The Warrant Service Unit was created in 2004 with training provided by Peel Regional Police.
This team was trained to conduct tactical entries and over the next three years were very successful with numerous deployments. The team was comprised of 8 officers.
In 2008 the team was upgraded to a full Emergency Response Team (ERT) with training conducted by the Cornwall Police Service. This is a fully equipped and trained team for the purposes of perimeter containment and control with an entry team element in the event of immediate action being required. ERT is also responsible for executing drug and arrest warrants when required.The team has special training in dealing with emotionally disturbed persons and is qualified in the use of several less lethal options.
ERT is also qualified in close personal protection details where they are responsible for the transporting and protection of dignitaries and also high risk prisoner movement. This team also possess other operational skills. They are trained to search for missing persons and evidence if required. They can be called upon to control crime scenes to allow the investigators to do their work.
Each operator has also been trained and is proficient in Immediate Rapid Deployment. These techniques are geared towards dealing with the ever present threat of the active shooter incidents that have been seen throughout the world. These officers assist in training of patrol officers so that all members of our service are ready in the event that our community experiences such an incident.
ERT officers have a constant lifestyle of above average fitness and will train several times annually to maintain a skill set that has taken several years to develop. Team members have also entered firearms competitions and ranked 2nd and 1st in the law enforcement category.
The Emergency Response Team is a very proud group as is every member of the service. From time to time you can meet these officers at community based public displays. They enjoy fielding questions from the community about what they do. Please don’t hesitate to approach us and ask a questions!