February 22, 2016 Incidents

Threats Investigation

On February 22nd at 10:11 am., Brockville Police investigated a threatening complaint.

A local, 65 year old male, was inside a north end box store when he recognized a local female from his past then proceeded to threaten her wellbeing.  Police located the man, known to them, and he was arrested and charged with utter threats.

The subject was released on conditions and given a future court date.


Noise Complaint

On February 22nd at 11:09 pm., Brockville Police attended a south end apartment building for a noise complaint.

Officers spoke to residents who were advised to turn down music levels. Before Police even left the area, noise levels returned to those causing the original complaints.  When re-attending to speak with subjects in the unit, one of the males was found to be on release conditions that included no consumption of alcohol.  The local, 27 year old, was arrested and charged with breaching his undertaking.  He was released the following morning with a future court date.