Arrest on Warrant
On Aug 11th at 4:00 pm, Brockville Police Special Constables arrested and charged a local 37 year old female for breaching her probation order.
A warrant had been in effect for her arrest and she was aware Officers were trying to locate her. She turned herself into Police at the Courthouse building on Courthouse Square. A new court date was issued and she was released from custody.
Probation Charges
On August 11th at 4:54 pm, Brockville Police began investigating a possible breach of probation.
A local 15 year old female was hanging around a local male that she got into trouble with in the recent past. A term of her probation was not to have any communication with him. Her mother reported seeing the two of them together.
This morning, Officers attended the roof of the Wall Street United Church to check on unwanted youths. Police located the same two parties camped out on the top of the building. The young female was arrested and charged with two counts of breach in regards to her probation order. She was held in custody for a bail hearing.
Probation Breach
On August 11th at 5:03 pm, Brockville Police attended St. Lawrence Park for a complaint of three people drinking at the beach area.
Officers spoke to a woman and two men from Quebec. One of the males, 35 year of age, was on probation conditions as a result of domestic assault related charges. One of the conditions of his probation was to have no contact with the female party that was with him in the park. The subject was arrested and charged with breaching his probation. He was held in custody for a bail hearing on August 12th.
Neighbour Dispute
On August 11th at 6:45 pm, Brockville Police attended a neighbour dispute between two women in the center/east portion of the city.
One of the women was picking up dog feces in her yard and throwing it in the yard of her neighbour who’s pet she felt was responsible. The neighbour exited her residence and began throwing handfuls back at her. The dispute went from verbal to physical as both parties grabbed hold of one another. Officers offered advice to both subjects and suggested they stay away from one another.
Break and Enter
On August 12th at 5:12 am, Brockville Police attended a break and enter after an alarm was tripped at “All You Need Music” on California Avenue.
Unknown culprit(s) broke into the premises and removed a quantity of merchandise. Police recovered evidence at the scene that will be used to try and learn the identity of those involved.
The investigation is ongoing.
Theft of Bicycle
On August 12th at 11:39 am, Brockville Police took a complaint of a stolen bicycle from a south end residence. The victim had a suspect in mind.
Officers attended the suspects residence and located the bike in the driveway. The local 21 year old male was arrested and charged with theft. He was released shortly afterwards with a future court date.
Breaching Release Conditions
On August 12th at 9:11 pm, Brockville Police responded to an unwanted person call at a north end apartment complex.
A local 22 year old female was spending time with her 31 year old boyfriend at his apartment. The problem was, he is charged with offences against her and can’t have any communication with the young woman. His mother returned home and told the female she had to leave. Things got loud enough that Police were called. Officers arrested and charged the local male with breaching his recognizance. He was remanded into custody and held for a bail hearing.
Theft of Vehicle
On August 13th between midnight and 6:00 am, unknown person(s) stole a Jeep Wrangler from a parking lot for an apartment complex in the south/east end of the city.
It was found around 7:00 pm, the same day in a parking lot on Oxford Avenue. The glove box had been forced open but no other damage noted. The vehicle was then reunited with the owner
Theft from Purse
On August 13th at 11:45 am, Brockville Police attended the Tall Ships restaurant for a theft complaint.
A Quebec woman left her purse behind and returned very shortly afterwards to retrieve it. The purse had been turned over minus $900 – $1000.
Police are continuing the investigation.
Drawing Attention
On August 13th at 8:48 pm, Brockville Police attended the north end Quickie Store to deal with an unwanted male.
A local 28 year old was intoxicated and causing issues for staff in the store. For his own well-being as well as store staff, the young man was arrested and charged with public intoxication. He was released with a fine when sober.
Don’t Lie to the Police
On August 14th at 3:21 am, Brockville Police Officers dealt with a local man outside a downtown bar. The 24 year old was bothering others in the area and was spoken to and asked to head home for the evening. He provided Police with a name and date of birth at that time.
Almost an hour later, Officers were asked to attend a south end residence for a disturbance between a young couple.
Officers attended and the same male was the center of the issue. However, Police learned he had given a false name earlier and was actually wanted on warrants by the local OPP detachment. The young man was arrested and charged with obstruct Police and removed from the home to prevent any further problems. Brockville Police finished court documents for the accused and then handed him over to OPP Officers for their warrant.