Arson Update
Yesterday we released information in regards to the fire at #226 Park Street. Officers from our Criminal Investigation Branch remained on scene until 9:00 pm. last evening. The damage is mainly contained to the unit where the fire originated and that tenant will appear in bail court. We are pleased to report that no one was injured during the incident and all residents are back in their units after a short evacuation.
Stolen Vehicle Recovery
On August 20th, we reported a stolen Dodge Durango from a south end residence.
Yesterday, in the early evening hours, a couple out walking the Brock Trail west of Central Avenue, reported seeing a vehicle abandoned in the wooded area. Responding Officers discovered it was the stolen Durango. The vehicle suffered very heavy damage and was left in an area that made removal difficult. Attempts to reach the vehicle are underway this morning. The investigation continues into suspects.
Wanted Man Arrested
In September of 2015, Brockville Police investigated a domestic assault involving a 42 year old man and offences against his 50 year old female partner. At that time he was charged with assault, criminal harassment and distributing images on the internet. Officers could not locate the individual at that time and a warrant was obtained for his arrest.
In June of this year, the same victim was being harassed by the male through social media, resulting in further charges of harassment.
On August 24th at 11:17 pm, OPP Officers in the Winchester area, arrested the subject on the strength of the warrant. He was turned over to Brockville Police Officers and was held in custody for a bail hearing.