On Monday at 3:50 pm, an 18 year old male turned himself in to police custody for his outstanding warrant. Officers ended up wrestling with the accused when he became upset realizing he would be held in for a bail hearing.
Police attended to an address in the north end of town as the homeowner who had been renting a room, now wanted the guest removed. Officers attended shortly after 9:00 am to discover the male crawling out the back window. Officers discovered a quantity of a psilocybin (magic mushroom) and marijuana in the residence. The male was charged for being in possession of the substances and removed from the residence.
Shoplifting/male to identify
A suspect attended Shoppers Drug Mart on the 26th of August 2018 at 13:51 selected $628.00 worth in fragrances and then exited without paying. This suspect has attended the store previously in attempts to perform similar thefts. It is unknown if he is local and is described as approximately 6’1, heavy set 250lbs, dark eye brows, head shaved, in his late 30’s early 40’s. Further description from staff indicates the suspect has an odd hobble as he walks. Staff has been advised to call 911 should he return.
Please contact the Brockville Police Service with any information.