Brockville Police Service and Lanark Leeds and Grenville Addictions and Mental Health Initiative

On Friday September 25th the Brockville Police Service and Lanark Leeds and Grenville Addictions and Mental Health (LLGAMH) began a program designed to assist persons in Brockville who may be suffering from addictions and mental health issues and come into contact with the police.

As part of this program a Transitional Worker from LLGAMH will partner with an officer from the Brockville Police Service and first identify linkages of persons who require services from LLGAMH and come into contact with police on a regular basis. The LLGAMH Transitional Worker and the officer then ride together and visit the individuals they have identified to check on their well being and offer assistance if required.

The purpose of the program is to enhance public safety as well as better serve clients in their home environments. By being proactive and intervening early the goal is to prevent persons suffering with addictions or mental illness from frequent hospitalization or appearances in the criminal justice system. By responding before a crisis occurs, Police and Addictions and Mental Workers are hoping to break the “revolving door” cycle which can occur if clients do not receive proper support in the community.

Transitional Workers and Police Officers in this program have had joint training sessions in responding to persons in crisis and suffering from Addictions and Mental Health symptoms. They are trained in de-escalation techniques, how to recognize symptoms of mental illness and addictions and the laws effecting their joint response.

****Lanark Leeds and Grenville Addictions and Mental Health contact is Tim Mack: 613-342-6214