On Friday November 5th, 2021 Emergency Services personnel from the City of Brockville, Brockville Fire Department and the Brockville Police Service removed residents from 206 King Street West after numerous safety concerns were brought to the attention of City staff. Other agencies including staff from the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville attended to provide transitional supports.
The City of Brockville, Brockville Fire and Police has for several months, received complaints about the conditions inside of the apartment complex at this building. As a result of these complaints the City Building Department and Fire Prevention office of the Brockville Fire Department attempted to work with the building owner since early summer, to make improvements addressing the building and fire safety concerns brought forward by the complainants. On Wednesday November 3, 2021, members of the Brockville Police Service entered the building on a separate investigation and were so concerned about the safety of the building, they contacted both the Fire and Building Departments to attend and inspect the premises, which they did.
Due to the condition of the building at 206 King Street West, a decision was made to remove the residents from the building immediately under the authority of the Fire Prevention and Protection Act and the building posed an immediate danger to the safety of the residents and the neighbouring buildings. With the assistance of other emergency personnel, residents were asked to gather up personal belongings and other essentials to take with them for a few days. They were then escorted from the building to meet with staff from the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville who provided them with temporary emergency housing, transportation to the emergency housing facility and food vouchers.
The building is to remain closed until procedural steps outlined in the Order to Remedy Unsafe Building issued by the Chief Building Official have been complied with and the building is rendered safe for occupancy.
Emergency Services continue to work with the residents of 206 King Street West to retrieve their belongings. Also, staff at the United Counties continue to work with residents to find alternative and more permanent housing options.