Breach Probation
On December 14, 2021 at about Noon, the Brockville Police Service received a complaint of what sounded like a domestic dispute at a residence on Brock St. Officers arrived and found a male and female couple who were engaged in a domestic dispute. One who was involved in the dispute was a 37-year-old male who is on conditions not to be within 100 meters of others who reside it the area of their location. While no criminal charges came as a result of the dispute, the male was arrested for breaching his probation conditions. He was charged and released with a future court date.
Break and Enter
On December 14, 2021 at about 5:00PM, the Brockville Police Service responded to a report of a break and enter at the Employment and Education Centre on Strowger Blvd. Officers arrived and located a 33-year-old male who was making attempts to break into the building. The male was arrested for break and enter and taken into custody. He was later released on and undertaking with conditions and a future court date.
Cause Disturbance
On December 15, 2021 at about 7:15PM, the Brockville Police Service received a complaint of a male in the area of the 1000 Islands Mall who was causing a disturbance. It was reported that he was shouting, swearing and walking into traffic at random. Officers arrived and spent time attempting to calm the 28-year-old male. He was not cooperative with police and was taken into custody. He spent the majority of the night yelling, spitting and causing problems. He was later released after being charged with causing a disturbance and breach probation.
Domestic Dispute
On December 16, 2021 at about 10:00PM, the Brockville Police Service received a complaint of a domestic dispute on Cartier Crt. Officers attended and spoke to the couple involved. Investigation revealed that a 70-year-old female had assaulted her male partner and in fact, pulled a knife on him. The female was arrested and taken into custody. After further investigation, it was decided to charge the female with assault and assault with a weapon. She was later released on an undertaking with conditions and a future court date. No one was injured in this incident.