Warrant For Arrest
Failing to show up for court resulted in the issuance of a warrant for a local, 39 year old woman. In November of this year, Brockville Police arrested the woman for impaired driving and released her from custody with a court date in early December. She failed to appear and a warrant was issued for her arrest. On the 21st, shortly before 3:00 pm., the accused turned herself into Brockville Police, aware she was now a wanted person.She was arrested and charged with failing to appear for court, then released with all her charges put over to a January date to be addressed.
Liquor Compliance Checks
No liquor licence violations noted after inspections carried out on local establishments. Shortly after 9:00 pm., Brockville Police in conjunction with a Liquor Inspector from the Alcohol and Gaming Comission of Ontario (AGCO), completed checks of local liquor licences to ensure compliance. Violations can include, under age drinking, over crowding etc. As stated, no offences were noted.
Brockville Police officers completed RIDE checks throughout the Community last night. Hundreds of vehicles and their drivers were spoken to at different locations and sobriety levels checked to ensure no one was drinking and driving. Everyone that police interacted with was sober and no arrests were made. These programs continue take place during the entire year but several more are added to the schedule during the holiday season.
Please help us to keep our roads safe. Arrange a ride, take a cab or assign a sober designated driver!!