January 31 – February 4, 2022 News Release


On January 31, 2022 at about 5:00PM, the Brockville Police Service received a complaint about an assault that took place on George St. The dispute took place between multiple individuals involved in the sale of a residence. An argument ensued over permission to enter the residence which escalated to the point where a 36-year-old female, assaulted two of the individuals seeking entry to the residence. It should be known that the entry being sought was legal. The female suspect was arrested and charged with two counts of assault. She was later released on an undertaking with a court date and conditions.


Domestic Dispute:

On February 2, 2022 at about 4:00AM, the Brockville Police Service received a complaint of a domestic dispute on James St. The call came into police from paramedics who were originally called to the scene. Officers arrived and found a 34-year-old male who was wanted on a warrant for fail to comply with probation. Further investigation revealed that this male had threatened and assaulted his girlfriend. He also caused damage to property in the residence. The injuries are described as non-life-threatening. He was later released on an undertaking with conditions and charged with assault, utter threats, mischief and fail to comply with probation.


On January 31, 2022 at about 8:30PM, officers from the Brockville Police Service observed a male in the area of Victoria Rd., who known to be wanted. The 36-year-old male had an outstanding warrant for fail to comply with release order, assault, break and enter, fail to comply with probation (nine counts), theft under $5,000, possession of drugs and fail to attend court. Once arrested, a search found that he was in possession of multiple ID and bank cards that don’t belong to him. He was additionally charged with fail to comply with release order and possession of an identity document. He was held in custody for a bail hearing.


On January 31, 2022 at about 11:30PM, the Brockville Police Service received information that the Ottawa Police Service had arrested a 54-year-old male, who had a warrant for breach of conditional sentence order. Brockville Police Service took custody of the male and he was held for a bail hearing.


Flight From Police

On February 3, 2022 at about 2:00AM, officers from the Brockville Police Service attempted to conduct a traffic stop in the area of Bartholomew St. The vehicle was a grey Hyundai SUV. The vehicle failed to stop and fled from police. Officers did not pursue in the bad weather conditions however, followed the fresh tracks in the snow to the area of Bisseltown Rd. North East of the city. The vehicle was located as it had slide off the roadway into the ditch. There were no occupants in the vehicle and footprints were observed leaving the scene. Officers followed the footprints to a nearby residence and to a parked RV on the property. Investigation revealed that the suspect was hiding inside. The male was arrested and identified to be a 35-year-old male. He was arrested and charged for the offences of flight from police, unlawfully in a dwelling, trespass by night, possession of crystal meth, possession of a credit card (not in his name), possession of counterfeit money, possession of cannabis for the purpose of distributing, drive a vehicle with cannabis readily available and driving while under suspension. He was held in custody for a bail hearing.