Domestic Disturbance
On January 5, 2023 at about 9:00AM, the Brockville Police Service received a complaint about a domestic dispute at a residence on Reynolds Dr. Officers attended and located the couple involved. Investigation revealed that the male and female couple were involved in an argument that resulted in the 23-year-old female, assaulting her boyfriend and biting him. She was placed under arrest for assault. Once the investigation was complete, she was charged with assault and released with conditions and a future court date.
On January 6, 2023 at about Noon, a 34-year-old female, was causing a disturbance at the Court House. She had previously been warned for her actions and asked to not cause a disturbance while in attendance. This request was ignored and officers were forced to place the female under arrest. She was held in for a period of time until the disturbance would no longer be caused. She was released unconditionally after being setup with services to assist her.
Break and Enter
On January 7, 2023 at about 12:30PM, the Brockville Police Service received a call regarding a male attempting to break into a family member’s residence on Wall St. It was described that the male was attempting to use a shovel to gain entry into the residence. Officers met the suspect at the rear of the residence. He was placed under arrest. Later, the male was being released from custody after being charged with mischief for damages caused. He became upset over release conditions being imposed on him and made comments of self-harm. At that time he was apprehended for a mental health assessment. He was initially not co-operative with this but later complied. No one was injured and he was released on conditions with a future court date in relation to the mischief charge.
Probation Conditions Breached
On January 6, 2023 at about 1:00PM, the Brockville Police Service received a complaint of a 56-year-old male, breaching his probation conditions. It was learned that the male subject attended a residence on Pearl St. W. where he had conditions to abstain from communication with the individual residing there. The male was later located and arrested for failing to comply with probation. When he was searched, officers located a quantity of a substance believed to be crystal meth. He was released on new conditions and a future court date after being charged with fail to comply with probation and possession of a Schedule I substance.
On January 5, 2023 at about 7:00PM, the Brockville Police Service was investigating an incident at a residence on Victoria Ave. While there, officers located a 46-year-old male involved and learned that there was a warrant for his arrest. The warrant was in relation to the male failing to attend for fingerprinting. He was placed under arrest and later released with a future court date.
On January 6, 2023 at about 10:00AM, officers from the Brockville Police Service were in the area of Brock St., when they located a 38-year-old male. They found that the male was wanted on an outstanding bench warrant. The warrant was in relation to failing to attend court. He was arrested and held for a bail hearing.