July 29, 2021 at 11:00 AM, a 39-year-old female surrendered to police, as she was wanted for a bail violation. Officers had reasonable grounds to charge the accused after they received information that she had been at a downtown residence contrary to her release conditions on the 28th. She was held in custody for a bail hearing.
Cause Disturbance
On July 29, 2021 just before 8:00 PM, officers were called to a disturbance on Perth Street. The complainant indicated that three teen males had crossed in front of him without the right of way. When confronted by the complainant he was threatened by the three youths. Officers arrived on scene and arrested two 16-year-old males for threats and causing a disturbance. The behaviour of the boys continued with one threatening harm to the responding officer. The third male fled the scene on the officer’s arrival. The two males were charged and released to their caregivers. The third unknown male was not located.