June 1 – 2, 2016 Incidents

Breach of Probation

On June 1st at 8:40 pm, Br4ockville Police dealt with a man consuming alcohol at St. Lawrence Park.

The local 56 year old was on probation with a condition that he not drink alcohol. He was arrested for breaching his probation and taken into custody. When sober this morning, he was released on conditions and given a new court date.


Intoxicated Male

On June 2nd at 2:38 am, Brockville Police Officers, on general patrol, noted an intoxicated male on a south end street, still drinking his beer while being approached by Officers.

The local 32 year old was arrested and charged with public intoxication. He was released this morning when sober and issued a fine.


Mental Health

On June 2nd at 2:59 am, Brockville Police attended a south end residence to deal with an elderly suicidal male.

A local 90 year old wanted to kill himself with a hand gun. He had difficulty and was unsuccessful in removing the trigger lock. His son had attended the residence and Dad was now in possession of a knife and was threatening him. Officers gave several demands of the man to drop the knife and were concerned due to his close proximity to his family member. After requests to drop the knife were ignored, Officers deployed a conducted energy weapon (taser) and this allowed them to move in and take control of the man and the weapon.

Police believe his mental health was the root of the problem. He suffered no injuries was taken to hospital for evaluation. The man was released to family members early in the morning.