June 14 – 16, 2021 News Release

Break and Enter

On June 15, 2021 at 10:00 AM, the Brockville Police responded to a complaint of a suspicious male at a multi-level condominium on James Street West.  The complainant was in her unit when she noticed someone opening her front door.  She confronted a 34-year-old male suspect at the door who concocted an excuse for entering her apartment and then fled the area. Officers located the suspect a short distance away.  He was arrested for breaking in to the apartment.  He was held in custody for a bail hearing.



June 15, 2021 at 5:20 PM, A 37 year old male turned himself in to police for his outstanding warrant. The male was wanted for failing to attend court.  He was issued a new court date in the future.



On June 14, 2021 at 8:00 AM, the Brockville Police Service responded to a theft complaint on Wall Street.  The victim reported that he had lawn equipment stolen from two sheds on his property.  As this was being reported, a neighbour had witnessed a suspect pushing a lawn mower.  The officer approached the 33-year-old suspect and arrested him for being in possession of property obtained by crime.  Officers were able to link this suspect to other thefts of power tools from construction sites in the area that   He was held in custody for a bail hearing.



June 14, 2021 at 11:30 AM, officers arrested a charged a 29-year-old female for assault in relation to a domestic incident involving her 22-year-old male common law spouse.  The male was assaulted after a heated argument.  The accused was held in custody for a bail hearing.