Traffic Complaint leads to Stolen Vehicle investigation
At approximately 2:40 p.m. yesterday afternoon, Brockville Police were contacted by a citizen who reported following a Gold Chevrolet Cobalt off the 401 highway into Brockville driving erratically.
An officer spotted the vehicle on Parkedale Ave at a traffic light and attempted a traffic stop. He approached the driver’s side of the car but the driver refused to roll down his window, or look at the officer. When the light changed the suspect fled eventually returning to the 401 highway and continue west bound at a high rate of speed. Brockville officers terminated the pursuit a short time later due to the driving of the vehicle and out of concern for the safety of the public.
Further investigation revealed the vehicle had been reported stolen in Kingston earlier. Anyone who may have witnessed the incident is asked to contact the investigating officer Constable Eric Ruigrok at 613-342-0127 ext. 6086.
Traffic Stop leads to arrests for Drug Possession
A traffic stop on North Augusta Road last evening resulted in the arrest of 2 adult men and 2 female youths from Ottawa for a number of drug offences.
At approximately 9:30 p.m. last evening Constable Dan Hall was driving in the downtown area when he observed a vehicle driving on King Street and turn north on North Augusta Rd in a manner which caused him concern for the driver’s sobriety. When he approached the driver of the vehicle and learned his licence had been suspended. Also while at the side of the vehicle he observed in plain view in the rear seat a quantity of drugs.
As a result of seeing the drugs, all 4 occupants of the vehicle were placed under arrest for the drugs and taken into custody. The vehicle was then further searched and a quantity of methamphetamines, and cocaine were located.
As a result, the 26 year old male driver is facing charges of possession of a controlled substance and failing to comply with his probation order. The 21 year old male passenger was charged with possession of a controlled substance, failing to comply with his probation order and personation with intent for giving police a wrong name when arrested as he had outstanding warrants from the Ottawa area. One of the 17 year old girls is charged with 3 counts of possession of a controlled substance, failing to comply with a youth probation order and possession of stolen property. The second female youth faces charges of possession of a controlled substance.
In total during this traffic stop there were 11 charges under the Criminal code and 3 Highway Traffic charges.
All of the accused persons were released from custody and given future court dates.
Traffic Restrictions this weekend
With the Hydroplane Races and Canada Day celebrations this weekend, motorists are reminded of traffic restrictions on Water Street this long weekend.
Water Street will be closed from Broad Street east to Ford Street except for local traffic only. As well, motorists are reminded not to block the entrance and exits to the Executive Condominium building on Park and Bethune Streets while watching the races. Vehicles blocking these entrances will be subject to fines and may be towed.