June 7 – 8, 2016 Incidents

Liquor Licence Act

On June 7th at 5:36 pm., Brockville Police attended a call concerning a passed out female in the hallway of a duplex.

When Officers arrived, she was actually found in the front entrance of a neighbouring multi-unit residence. She was in an intoxicated state and making no sense when speaking with Police. The local woman, 37 years of age, was arrested to prevent a further breach of the peace.

While in custody at Police headquarters, she tore up her clothing, urinated on the floors and would not settle down even when given new, dry garments. She was released without charges or a fine and handed over to a family member.

When released, the woman sent emails to the Brockville Police Service making threats to Officers. Police are currently looking into her actions that followed her release.


Bail Violation

On June 7th a local 44 year old man failed to attend court as ordered. The local resident now has a warrant in effect for his arrest. When located, he will be held in custody and will appear in bail court.


Warrant Executed

On May 14th, Brockville Police arrested a local, 47 year old man, regarding a theft at a north end box store. At that time, his 21 year old daughter, jumped in a waiting car and took off from the scene. A warrant was issued for her arrest several days later.

This morning, shortly after midnight, Officers noticed the same female standing outside a drinking establishment on King Street West. She was arrested on the warrant and released at the scene with a future court date. A small amount of marijuana, found on her person, was seized and she was warned for the possession of a controlled substance.


Missing Person Joseph Cooper Update

Our missing male, Joseph Cooper, has yet to be located.

Brockville Police received a tip yesterday of a possible sighting of the man at the Mac Johnson conservation area. The area was checked with negative results and the information was dated by the time Officers were made aware.