Family Dispute leads to arrest at Via Station
A 37 year old Spencerville area man is facing charges of threatening, mischief under $5000 and breaching his probation order as result of a family dispute yesterday which ended at the Brockville VIA Station.
At approximately 7:35 pm last evening Brockville Police received a call of an intoxicated male walking along the railway tracks near the VIA station. Responding officers eventually located the man inside the VIA station. Upon conversing with the man, he became confrontational with police. He was subsequently arrested and handcuffed, then he turned and threatened his family members who were present with him inside the VIA Rail building. He was then carried to the police vehicle where once inside the vehicle he continued to kick at the cruiser door, bending the door such that it would not close.
Family members also disclosed that the 37 year old man had been drinking all day long and prior to arriving at the VIA Station, he had threatened his brother and to burn the family house down. It was further learned the man was also on probation with a condition that he abstain absolutely from the consumption of alcohol.
He was held overnight and is to appear for a bail hearing today.