Annual Report As Per Ontario Missing Persons Act – Ontario Regulation 182/19
The Brockville Police Service is required to report to the Police Services Board on an annual basis concerning any urgent demands made under the Act.
Section 5 of the Act stipulates the following:
5 (1) An officer may make an urgent demand in writing to a person requiring the person to produce copies of records, in accordance with subsection (6), if the officer is satisfied that there are reasonable grounds to believe that,
a. the records are in the custody or control of the person
b. the records will assist in locating the missing person; and
c. in the time required to obtain an order in accordance with section 4,
i. the missing person may be seriously harmed, or
ii. the records may be destroyed.
The Brockville Police can report that, while investigating a number of missing persons reports in 2021, this section was not utilized by its’ officers. There were 0 urgent demands made.
Respectfully submitted,
Andrew Harvie
Deputy Chief