News Release – September 29, 2024

Brockville Police Arrest Three in Connection to Kidnapping and Firearms Offences

On September 29th, at approximately 5:00 am., the Brockville Police Service responded to a call from a 26-year-old male victim who had fled from a hotel room in the City’s North end.  The victim reported that he had been forcibly taken from Scarborough to Brockville, during which he was repeatedly struck with a firearm and threatened.

A short time later, officers located and arrested two male suspects in a nearby vehicle.  Further investigation revealed that a third female suspect had remained in the hotel room from which the victim escaped.  Police made contact with the female suspect who subsequently surrendered.

Search warrants were executed, leading to the recovery of a restricted Smith & Wesson handgun and a prohibited Glock 26 from the suspect’s vehicle.     

All three individuals have been charged with forcible confinement, assault with a weapon, robbery with a firearm, kidnapping and several other weapons-related offences. 

The investigation is ongoing.

National Peace Officers’ Memorial Run

Ontario – The 20th Annual National Peace Officers’ Memorial Run (NPOMR) “Run to Remember” will take place Thursday, September 26th, 2024, through to Saturday, September 28th, 2024.

In 2005, 24 members of the Peel Regional Police Pacers Running Team ran a total distance of 460 kms in a relay from Toronto to Ottawa. The run began at the Ontario Police Memorial at Queen’s Park in Toronto and finished three days later at the National Police and Peace Officers’ Memorial on Parliament Hill, in Ottawa to honor those who died in the line of duty. Now, 20 years later, the NPOMR has flourished and has a contingency of over 300 law enforcement professionals representing 30 different agencies across Canada; all who share the same goal of raising awareness for the National Peace Officers’ Memorial, and to pay tribute to those officers who have so bravely and valiantly given their lives in service of their community and their Country.

The memorial run also offers an opportunity for families and participants to reflect on the sacrifices made by the courageous men and women. The NPOMR is privileged to have members of Survivors of Law Enforcement (SOLE) join the runners in their three-day trek to Ottawa. While running alongside officers from across the province, the members of SOLE will also be honoring their loved ones that they have lost and to pay tribute to those that have paid the ultimate sacrifice before them.

The route for NPOMR travels through numerous cities and towns over the course of three days. The support displayed by the various communities along the way is overwhelming and genuinely appreciated. The NPOMR Committee would like to invite and encourage everyone within these communities to come out and applaud our dedicated runners and members of SOLE, as the run passes through their City/Town.

For a complete route guide please visit our website at

Members of the media are invited to attend the Brockville Court House Square on Friday, September 27th, 2024, at 5:00 p.m., located at 41 Court House Square, City of Brockville. Members of the organizing committee, run participants, and members of SOLE will be available to speak with media.

Media outlets that are unable to attend are asked to contact NPOMR Co-Chair Detective Sergeant Robert Hackenbrook at (289)231-6409 or NPOMR Media Officers Constable Sarah Bamford (705)903-7122 or Laurie McCann (647)920-5128.

News Release – September 19 – 22, 2024

A Male was Arrested in Relation to a Report of Intimate Partner Violence

On Sept 22, 2024, at about 6:00am, police received a 911 call regarding a disturbance in the area of Church St. Information was that it sounded like a male and female, arguing inside a residence. Police received further information that the female victim was choked, struck multiple times in the head with assailant’s hands and with what was described as a handgun. The person responsible was identified to be the victim’s 21-year-old, boyfriend. The victim received non-life-threatening injuries.

Officers blocked off and contained the area. The investigation led them to arresting the 21-year-old, male a few hours later, at about 10:00am. After the residence was searched and at the completion of the investigation, police had seized a knife, replica handgun, ammunition and a prohibited device as defined in the Criminal Code. The male was held for a bail hearing for the offences of assault, assault with a weapon, possession of a weapon for dangerous purpose, careless storage of ammunition, possession of a prohibited device, overcome resistance by choking and unauthorized possession of a weapon.    


Arrest Made After a Family Dispute

On September 19, 2024, police received a 911 call regarding a 24-year-old, male becoming angry and attempting to attack his father, in the area of King St. W. The parties involved had engaged in a dispute as the father had confronted his son over items missing from the residence. The subject became angry during the discussion, causing the father to fear for his safety and lock himself in the bathroom. The subject began yelling death threats and kicking the door, in attempts to break it down and gain entry. 911 was called and the subject stopped and left.  

Police responded and the subject left the area just moments prior. Investigation revealed the likely area where the male subject was hiding and officers contained that area. A short time later, he was taken into custody. The subject’s antics continued as he began uttering death threats at the arresting officer.

The male was held for a bail hearing for the offences of two counts of uttering threats, two counts of failing to comply with release order bail conditions and mischief under $5,000.00.

Operation Clear Track

The Brockville Police Service joins North American rail-safety operation aimed at reducing preventable deaths and injuries on rail lines

On September 24, 2024 the Brockville Police Service is proud to be joining forces with agencies across Canada and North America today for “Operation Clear Track”— the continent’s single largest rail-safety law-enforcement initiative.

Coordinated by Amtrak, Operation Lifesaver Inc. and Operation Lifesaver Canada, Operation Clear Track aims to reduce railway crossing and trespassing incidents in Canada and the U.S. — incidents which seriously injure or kill more than 2,100 people each year. The event is held annually during Rail Safety Week (September 23-29, 2024).

“The Brockville Police Service would like to bring awareness to the potential risk and promote the safety of everyone, when in any area involving railway tracks. These areas pose danger to anyone who does not follow simple guidelines. Stay clear of tracks and only cross them when railway crossing signals indicate safe passage,” said Darryl Boyd, Inspector, Brockville Police Service.     

“Ignoring railway signs and signals, being distracted at rail stations or crossings, or using tracks as a shortcut or a recreational path can lead to track tragedies that are entirely preventable,” said Chris Day, Interim National Director, Operation Lifesaver Canada. “Operation Clear Track’s goal is to encourage people to avoid risky behaviours around tracks and trains so they stay safe and stay alive.”

More than 600 detachments across Canada are participating in Operation Clear Track this year. Each will promote rail safety by having conversations and sharing tips with drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists. They will share rail-safety resources and content, and – as ever – they will enforce rail crossing and trespassing laws.

Day adds: “Track tragedies affect not only the individual, but their loved ones and entire communities. Railroaders and first responders, too. Rail safety is a shared responsibility. We all have a role to play.”

For more information about Operation Clear Track, Rail Safety Week and other rail-safety initiatives and tips, please visit:   

News Release – September 16 – 18, 2024

Male Arrested After Found Driving While Impaired


On September 17, 2024, at about 3:15pm, police received a complaint of a male and female passed out in a vehicle, at the parking lot near Money Mart, on Parkedale Ave. Officers attended the area and the vehicle had just left moments prior to police arrival. The suspect vehicle was then observed exiting the McDonald’s drive through onto Parkedale Ave. As it was pulling onto the road, the driver was weaving in the lanes and driving poorly. The vehicle was stopped and investigation revealed that the driver was a 44-year-old, male whose driver’s licence was a suspended and was operating without insurance. He was also showing signs of being impaired by drugs.

A Standard Field Sobriety Test was performed and the driver performed poorly. Therefore, he was arrested and taken for further testing by a Drug Recognition Expert. Those tests confirmed he was impaired by drugs. His driver’s licence faces additional suspensions, vehicle was impounded and charged with operation while impaired by drugs, driving while under suspension, operate a motor vehicle without insurance and possessing more than one licence card. He was released with a future court date.


Multiple Arrests Made in Relation to Outstanding Warrants

Between the dates of September 16 – September 18, 2024, the Brockville Police Service made seven arrests in relation to various arrest warrants, of people located throughout the city. The following are some details. 

  • 43-year-old, male was arrested in relation to outstanding warrants stemming from harassment, theft, breach probation and fail to attend court. These offences were dated back to 2022. He was held for a bail hearing.
  • 37-year-old, female was arrested in relation to a warrant for failing to attend for fingerprints. She was released with a new court date.
  • 15-year-old, male was arrested on a warrant regarding charges of assault from an investigation that took place previously this month. He was released with conditions and a future court date.
  • 51-year-old, female was arrested on multiple warrants in relation to charges of failing to attend court, failing to attend for fingerprints and fail to comply with probation. She was released with a future court date.
  • 19-year-old, male was arrested on a committal warrant and take to the Brockville Jail. The warrant was in relation to multiple offences of fraudulent credit card use.
  • 31-year-old, male was arrested on a warrant for failing to comply with his probation. He was held in custody for a bail hearing.
  • 35-year-old, male was located and arrested on a warrant for offences of theft and failing to comply with probation. He was released on conditions with a future court date.


News Release – September 16, 2024

Brockville Police Investigate a Shooting

On September 16th, 2024 at approximately 1:00 a.m., Brockville Police responded to a call of gunshots in the area of King St. E., and Park St.

Police immediately attended and secured the area.  A search was conducted and no victims, or suspects were located or identified.

Police can confirm that multiple shots were fired and continue to investigate the matter. 

Police are currently seeking the public’s assistance in gathering any information related to the investigation. Anyone who has any information regarding the incident is encouraged to contact Detective Constable Graham Coe at 1-613-342-0127 ext: 4245   or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).


News Release – September 13, 2024

Collision Causing Hydro Lines to Fall Causes Traffic Delays

On September 13, 2024, at about 12:00pm, police received multiple 911 calls regarding a collision on Stewart Blvd., causing damage to Hydro poles and wires down. The Brockville fire Dept. attended to assist with safety measures and Brockville Public Works staff assisted in blocking off Stewart Blvd between Laurier Blvd. and Chelsea St. Hydro One attended quickly, and once the area was rendered safe, the roadway was reopened when cleared.

Investigation into the incident revealed that there was a Waste Connections garbage truck, leaving the property of the plaza at 491 Stewart Blvd. As the truck was pulling out of the property, the driver was unaware that the garbage lift was still elevated. The lift came in contact with the various overhead lines. This caused three Hydro poles to come down and various lines and cables were then laying on the ground.

Luckily, no one was injured in this incident, however, there is a significant value in property damage. No charges have been laid at this time and the investigation is ongoing.  

News Release – September 10, 2024

Pedestrians Struck Out Front of the Thousand Islands Secondary School

On September 10, 2024, at about 2:30pm, police received a call regarding a motor vehicle collision involving two pedestrians, in front of the Thousand Islands Secondary School. Investigation revealed that two 14-year-old, female students, attempted to cross Parkedale Ave. in front of TISS. The two made no attempt to use a crosswalk, doing what is commonly referred to as jaywalking. While doing so, the driver of one motor vehicle did not see the females crossing the lanes, and the vehicle struck the two students.

Paramedics were called to the scene to provide assistance. One student attended the Brockville General Hospital and the other was released after the assessment. Both received minor, non-life-threatening injuries. Luckily, this did not result in more serious injuries, and is a reminder to all about the dangers for pedestrians on our roads. The driver in this incident was found to be not at fault for the collision as the pedestrians were failing to use a crosswalk. The Brockville Police Service is reminding everyone, especially students, to use the crosswalks. We will be increasing enforcement in this area in an attempt to educate those on safety.   


News Release – September 10, 2024

Warrant Executed in Relation to an Intimate Partner Violence Investigation


On September 10, 2024, at about 8:00am, police received information regarding an incident of intimate partner violence, at a residence on Bartholomew St. Investigation revealed that a female and her 35-year-old, boyfriend had been involved in a dispute throughout the previous night. It was learned that there was a physical altercation where the male subject had struck the female in a previous dispute. The night of the current incident, he had grabbed her by the arms and shook her, threatened her, and at one point while in a vehicle, grabbed the steering wheel and abruptly jerked the vehicle to the side of the road multiple times in a dangerous manner.  The threats mentioned above consisted of the subject obtaining a firearm and shooting the female and himself. The female was able to get away from the male, with the assistance of some friends. She received non-life-threatening injuries, however, the nature of the threats and history between the couple was concerning and serious in nature. It is also of note; that the male subject was on bail conditions to abstain from communication with the victim due to previous incidents of concern.

Police attended the area of the subject’s residence on Laurier Blvd. and contacted him by phone. The male was reluctant to surrender himself to police and would not exit his residence. Officers remained in the area as an arrest warrant was sought. Due to the nature of threats and other information learned, the Brockville Police Service Emergency Response Team, attended the location. The warrant was then executed according to plan and the subject was taken into custody, without injury. This was an excellent job done by all involved to ensure a successful, safe outcome. He was held for a bail hearing for the offences of two counts of assault, uttering threats, dangerous operation of a motor vehicle and failing to comply with release order.   

News Release – September 6, 2024

Male Arrested After Following an Ambulance While Impaired by Drugs

On September 6, 2024, at about 8:45pm, police were located in the area of King St. W. and Home St., involved in an unrelated situation where someone required medical attention. Paramedics were called to attend that location. As they were on route, it was noticed that a 39-year-old, male was operating a vehicle and following the Ambulance. The vehicle was driving at a high rate of speed, at one point passing in front of the Ambulance and was also running red lights. The subject followed the Ambulance to the location where the officers were. Officers stopped the subject and after a short conversation, it was recognized that the male was impaired drugs. The male was arrested and taken to a Drug Recognition Expert for further assessment. The subject was also found to be in possession of a quantity of cocaine.

In conclusion, his driver’s licence was suspended, vehicle towed and the subject was charged with operation while impaired by drugs, dangerous operation of a motor vehicle, fail or refusal to comply with demand and possession of cocaine. He was released on conditions with a future court date.