On November 22, 2020 at 9:34 AM the Brockville Police responded to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church in regards to a male that was witnessed taking envelopes from the church’s collection plate. Officers located and arrested a 24 year old male for theft. He was released from custody with a future court date.
On November 16, 2020 10:27 PM the Brockville Police received a complaint about a male that had entered a convenience store on William St. The male asked for a quantity of lottery tickets. When the clerk produced the tickets the male fled without paying for them. He was identified through the use of security footage. On November 22nd at 10:00 AM the 31 year old male was located by officers on Abbott St. and arrested without incident. He will appear in court at a later date to answer to the charge.
On November 21st at 2:45 AM the Brockville Police Service responded to MacDonald’s Restaurant on Parkedale Avenue as a driver had driven her vehicle onto the flower beds and was now stuck. The 51 year old female driver was arrested at the scene for operation while impaired and operate a conveyance with more than 80 milligrams of alcohol. She will appear in court at a later date to answer to the charges. Her vehicle was impounded for 7 days and her driver’s licence was automatically suspended for 90 days.
Missing Diver
On November 21st 2020 at 2:32 PM police received a call of a missing diver from Centeen Park. A 61 year old male did not return from his dive excursion as planned and the complainant called 911. The Ottawa resident was an experienced diver and had been to Brockville several times to dive in the past.
The missing male was located on the 22nd of November in the area of Ogdensburg New York. The victim was turned over to Canadian authorities for post mortem examination. At the request of the family the name of the deceased is being withheld.