Traffic Stop/Drugs:
On Monday the 4th of November, 2019 at approximately 8:45pm members of the Brockville police engaged a White Dodge pickup due to its driving habits in the south end of town. Two males fled from the vehicle into the Rexall where they were immediately arrested. One of the males was on bail conditions with a curfew; the second male was on probation with numerous conditions. As a result of the arrest a large quantity of various drugs including Fentanyl, Crystal Methamphetamine, Cocaine, Hydromorphone and Marihuana were seized which yield a street value of over $40,000. The vehicle also had weapons and ammunition inside it. A 54 year old male and a 41 year old male were charged with weapons offences, breaches of court orders, as well as possession of stolen property and Cannabis Act charges. The 54 will also be charged with 4 counts of possession of a substance for the purpose of trafficking. They were both held for a bail hearing.