Breach of Undertaking
A 26 year old Brockville resident is facing charges of Breaching his Undertaking this morning as a result of a call of a suspicious person at the CompuSilv.
Yesterday morning at 8:20 a.m. prior to the stores opening staff at CompuSilv observed a man who had arrived on his bicycle sitting outside the store wearing sunglasses and with a back pack on him. They had recognized him being in the store prior and not purchasing anything and were suspicious of his behaviour and as a result contacted police.
When officers arrived they located the man outside the store and spoke with him about the complaint. Officers further learned that he was at large on an Undertaking from Durham Region with a condition that he carry his identification and court papers with him at all times when leaving his residence which he admitted he did not have with him.
As a result he was arrested for breaching his conditions of his undertaking and brought to Brockville Police headquarters where he was processed and released with a future court date.
Warrants Executed
A 36 year old Brockville area man was arrested by Leeds OPP late last evening after a traffic stop showed some outstanding warrants for him held by the Brockville Police Service.
The outstanding warrants were for Failing to Appear in court for a June court date and failing to sign in at the Brockville Police Service, a condition of his recognizance of bail.
As a result the man was conveyed to the Brockville Police Service where he was held overnight and will appear in Brockville court today for a bail hearing.
Crime Prevention Week
As this November 5th – 11th is Crime Prevention week in Ontario; the Brockville Police Service would like to highlight another of our own Crime Prevention initiatives in our community.
The Brockville Police Service with our community partners including the local chartered banks, service clubs, schools and media outlets on a continuing basis do education seminars on Internet Safety and Fraud. Residents are reminded to never share their passwords, provide personal or financial information to anyone they do not know, or open up attachments from strange or unknown people on the internet. Further, ensure your computer is in good working order and that the computer’s anti-virus protection is up to date.
For more information please visit the link on the Brockville Police website at: