Early Morning Break-in leads to arrest
A 24 year old Brockville area man is in custody again this morning following an early morning break in Sunday to his former girlfriend’s apartment on Kensington Parkway.
Brockville Police received a call shortly after 6:00 a.m. Sunday morning from the 20 year old female victim that her former boyfriend had kicked in her door and was now in her apartment throwing things around. While officers were responding to the apartment, Brockville Police communications staff stayed on the phone with the young woman to ensure her safety and to update officers. When officers arrived the suspect had fled the scene. Officers observed the shattered front door to the apartment and pieces off door lying on the living room floor.
While there police interviewed the victim and checked each floor and the perimeter of the apartment complex but were unable to locate the 24 year old man. However, just before 9 a.m. the young man returned to the apartment where he was arrested by police for Break and Enter and taken into custody.
Further investigation revealed the accused to be bound by two probation orders from September 2017. He is now facing charges of Criminal Harassment, Break and Enter and three counts of breaching a Probation Order. He was held in custody and will appear later today for a bail hearing.
Holiday Inn Express employee assaulted
Just before 8 p.m. last evening Brockville Police were called to the Holiday Inn Express when a staff member there reported being assaulted by one of the customers in the lobby.
When officers arrived they spoke with the employee who told them one of the customers was agitated and causing a scene at the front lobby area. The 33 year old male stuck the young staff member during the disturbance.
As a result, when officers arrived the man was arrested for the assault. Police also learned the man who is from the Ottawa area was also on Probation at the time and was subsequently charged with assault and breach of probation in relation to this incident. He was released when sober in the morning with several conditions and a future court date.
The hotel employee was unhurt in the incident and did not require medical treatment.
Police Retiree’s telemarketing locally
The Police Retirees of Ontario (PRO) have contacted the Brockville Police Service to notify the Brockville Community of their telemarketing campaign which will take place during the month of October.
The mandate of the Police Retirees is to assist police services in Ontario through advocacy and to assist police retirees throughout Ontario. At the end of their fiscal year surplus funds are donated to Victim and Children’s Charities across Ontario.
This year’s campaign will allow the PRO to continue their distribution of PRO Teddy Bears to emergency services that work with children. Teddy bears assist emergency services personnel and children’s organizations provide comfort to children that are going through traumatic situations.
Please visit www.policeretireesofontario.com for more information.