On September 9th, Brockville Police responded to Tim Hortons on Parkedale Avenue after a local 17 year old damaged a bike belonging to another local teen. Officers began a mischief investigation at that time.
On October 9th at 3:56 am, Police responded to a residence in the central/east portion of the city, after a chunk of asphalt was thrown at the front door. The same youth was found to be responsible for both incidents.
On October 11th, Officers located the youth, arresting and charging him with two counts of mischief. He was released on conditions and issued a future court and fingerprint date.
Mischief In Cells
On October 11th, in the early afternoon, a 17 year old male youth from the Gananoque area was in cells at the Brockville court house. He was awaiting his appearance in bail court after being charged with offences he committed in his home town. The young man, for whatever reason, decided to bust the sprinkler head from the ceiling in his cell. An additional charge of mischief was laid and the youth was remanded to another date.