October 6, 2021 just before midnight, officers from the Brockville Police Service conducted a traffic stop at the west end of Central Avenue. The 60-year-old male driver had an odour of alcohol on his breath and subsequently submitted to testing on a roadside screening device. The driver failed that test and he was brought to the station for further testing. The accused then refused to provide a sample of his breath to the qualified breath technician. He is now charged with failing to provide a sample of breath. His vehicle was impounded for 7 days and his driver’s licence was suspended for 90 days. He will appear in court to answer to the charges at a later date.
Foot Pursuit
September 26, 2021, around 5:30 AM, a suspect was captured on security cameras entering a shed at a residence on Brock Street. The accused removed $300 worth of property. The security footage was provided to officers who identified the 20-year-old male suspect.
On October 5, 2021 at 11:30 AM, an officer on patrol located the accused in the area of Pearl Street and William Street. The officer approached and arrested the male for the theft. The male who was cooperative at first, then pulled away and fled on foot. The officer initially lost sight of the accused, but he was alerted to his whereabouts by a homeowner reporting that a male had run into his home. He was located inside the residence. A struggle between the officer and the accused ensued. The officer was able to keep control of the male until other officers arrived. He was arrested and held in custody for a bail hearing. The male is now charged with theft, possession of property obtained by crime, escape lawful custody and assaulting a peace officer.
October 5, 2021 at 2:24 PM, the Brockville Police Service received a complaint of a motor vehicle collision involving a cyclist. The complainant who was operating the motor vehicle contacted police to report the collision. The cyclist attempted to leave the accident scene on his bike, but was located a short distance away. He was not injured as a result of the accident, but he did have a warrant for his arrest for failing to attend court. He was arrested and released with a new court date.
October 5, 2021 at 3:24 PM, officers responded to a weapons call in the area of John Street and King Street West. Several calls were received regarding this occurrence reporting that one person had been sprayed with bear spray and that a male had a firearm. Callers indicated that a male pointed a firearm out of a second story window from one of the apartments in the area. To complicate matters schools in the area had dismissed their students. Patrol officers along with members of the crime unit responded to the area. Officers attempted to secure the area to contain and isolate the threat. The investigation led to the arrest of a 26-year-old male for 1) pointing a firearm 2) uttering a threat and a 29-year-old female for 1) assault with a weapon. The two suspects had an argument with a 25-year-old victim. The female accused then sprayed the victim with bear spray. The male accused then went to the apartment window threatening to shoot the victim. The weapon he used turned out not to be a real firearm, but an imitation. Both were charged and released with future court dates.
Stunt Driving
October 5, 2021 shortly after 9:00 PM, officers conducting traffic enforcement on North August Road stopped a vehicle traveling 111 km/h in a posted 50 km/h zone. The 59-year-old driver was charged with stunt driving, his vehicle impounded for 14 days and his licence suspended for 30 days.