Operation Impact
From October 5th– 8th 2018, members of the Brockville Police Service participated in Operation Impact targeting – impaired driving, seatbelts, aggressive driving, and distracted driving – the main causes of collisions and deaths on Canada’s roads.
In total 20 charges were laid by our service during this campaign.
On October 9th, officers laid two charges of stunt driving after an officer stopped two motorists for stunt driving. Their vehicles have been impounded and the drivers, 57 and 42 years of age, have both been served with a summons to appear in court to answer to the charge.
The same officer later observed a 29 year old female operating a Black Ford Explorer on Perth Street. The female, who is known to him, was operating the vehicle without a licence. She was stopped and ticketed for that offence.
Breach of conditions
On Tuesday October 9, 2018 a 19 year old female was observed exiting an address that she was prohibited from attending. The female had previously been charged with obstructing an officer by providing a false name and was released on conditions not to attend an address on Delhi Street.
The 19 year old was arrested yesterday and held in custody pending a bail hearing.
Domestic Assault
On Tuesday the 9th of October 2018, the Brockville Police Service responded to a domestic incident in the city’s north end. As a result of that investigation a 58 year old male was arrested and charged with assault.