Door To Door Canvassers in Brockville
Representatives from the charity We Planet Earth campaign “Because I am a Girl with PLAN”/”Doctors Without Borders” have contacted the Brockville Police and City of Brockville to advise they will be going door to door in Brockville between September 26th and October 6th.
Canvassers from this registered charity will be canvassing neighbourhoods to discuss women’s rights issues and in particular the plight of young girls around the world. This charity seeks to advance their rights by providing education, healthcare, food, water and maternal health care.
The canvassers will be wearing identifiable bright pink vests with the charity name and logo on them, as well as badges with their photos and charity registration number. They will NOT be looking to collect any cash or cheques at the door. Those wishing to donate will be directed to the organizations official website or the phone number of the charity itself.
Police Pursuit terminated yesterday
Yesterday morning just before 9am Brockville Police spotted a 32 year old man wanted for several outstanding warrants driving a 1997 light coloured Cadillac in the Kensington Parkway area.
As police turned and began to initiate a traffic stop, the car the man was operating with a female passenger fled northbound. Almost immediately police called off the pursuit as the driver had been identified and the vehicle fled the area.
The young man who currently is wanted for outstanding warrants for charges of 2 counts of Uttering a Forged Document, Possession of Stolen Property; is now facing charges of Dangerous Operation of a Motor Vehicle, and Flight from Police as a result of yesterday’s incident. He is also facing Highway Traffic Act charges of Driving while under suspension and racing.
The investigation is continuing.
Assist EMS with a Suspected Drug Overdose
Officers with the Brockville Police were called yesterday afternoon to assist Leeds and Grenville EMS with a male patient who had passed out behind the Sheridan Mews tunnel.
At 4:40 p.m. officers arrived in the area of Sheridan Mews and located a 48 year old man who was well known to officers in attendance. Officers suspected he may be suffering from a drug overdose and he was treated at the scene by paramedics from Leeds and Grenville EMS and conveyed to Brockville General Hospital.
Late last evening the same person was spotted walking wearing his hospital gown and driven home by officers for his well-being after confirming he had been discharged.
Youth Mental Health and Addictions Forum
The Leeds and Grenville Human Services and Justice Coordinating Committee is presenting a Youth Mental Health and Addictions Forum Tuesday evening at the St. Mary’s School Library from 6:00 p.m.– 8:00 p.m.
The public forum was a jury recommendation of the May 2014 Coroner’s Inquest into the death of local resident Matthew Roke. Matthew was an active youth in the community when he and his family started noticing signs that he was not well in his late teens and early twenties. He became increasingly frightened and afraid to leave his house; his sleep was disrupted and would not sleep and night. Matt and his family struggled to find the right help for Matt in the local mental health community right until the time of his passing.
After last year’s forum and hearing Jody Roke speak about her son’s life, participants felt this year’s forum should concentrate on Youth Mental Health Services in Leeds and Grenville. This year speakers from Children’s Mental Health of Leeds and Grenville, Lanark, Leeds and Grenville Addictions and Mental Health, RNJ Youth Services, Connections, will present. As well, Mark Heffernan of the Brockville Police Service will speak about a proactive Community Oriented Patrol program operated by the Brockville Police Service to help those in need locally and Andreas von Cramen will speak about how Legal Aid Ontario can be of assistance.
Several agencies will have displays and people present including Connect Youth, Municipal Drug Strategy of South Grenville, Making Play Possible, Family and Children’s Services of Leeds and Grenville and Victim’s Services of Leeds and Grenville.
Members of the public are welcome to attend and participate in the forum. The cost is free and there will be a question and answer period during the forum.