September 1 – 4, 2019 Incidents

Domestic Assault:

A 42 year old male is facing charges of assault after police were called to an address in the center of the city.  The female complainant called 911 to report the incident.  The male had assaulted the complainant after a heated argument. He was arrested without incident and held in custody pending a bail hearing.


Bail Violation/traffic stop:

On the 1st of September 2019 at 5:00 p.m. a Quebec plated vehicle was stopped on North Augusta Road for speeding.  The officer detected an odour of an alcoholic beverage on the 22 year old driver’s breath.  It was discovered that he was on bail conditions to not consume any alcohol.  A roadside screening device was used on the driver to determine that level of alcohol in his system.  Although his alcohol level was not enough to warrant a driver’s licence suspension it was enough to charge him with breaching his bail condition.  He was also charged with speeding.  He was released at the scene with a future court date.