On May 9th at 9:37 am, Brockville Police received information that the Ottawa Police had arrested a man wanted for theft in Brockville.
Officers attended their city and returned the 45 year old, Lanark area resident. He was held in custody and taken to bail court. The accused was remanded into custody until later this week.
Public Mischief
On May 9th at 2:01 pm., Brockville Police attended the pay phone area at the Sears entrance of the 1000 Islands Mall.
Since April 18th, Police had received nine (9) phone calls involving a female talking about harming animals with guns and knives. Each time there was no one in the area when Officers arrived. She had been captured on video however. On May 9th, Police observed the female in the area and a foot pursuit ensued. Officers caught up to her and she was arrested and charged with Public Mischief. A check of her background showed a history of similar type behaviour in cities west of Brockville.
The 40 year old, originally from the Hamilton area, was held in custody and will appear in bail court later today.
Breaching of Conditions
On May 9th at 3:31 pm., Brockville Police had taken a local, 23 year old male, to bail court to deal with weapons charges and breaches of release conditions.
The male was released from bail court on conditions by a Justice of the Peace.
Within an hour of his release, the man was observed by Officers attending the beer store in the center of town. One of his new conditions was to abstain from purchasing, possessing or consuming alcohol. His freedom did not last long. The man was arrested for breaching his one hour old conditions and taken back into custody. he will appear in bail court again this afternoon.
Breach of Conditions
On May 9th at 10:36 pm., Brockville Police attended a south end apartment building to check on a man’s wellbeing. A friend had contacted Police as he was out of town and had reason to believe the man might harm himself.
Officers located the local, 21 year old, and noted he was intoxicated. He was on release conditions that included no alcohol. Officers took the young man to hospital for assistance. The breach of his release conditions was handled by way of a document giving him a future court date.