Motor Vehicle Collisions
Yesterday afternoon between 2pm and 2:30pm seemed to be an unlucky time to be on roads in the City of Brockville as officers responded to 3 separate motor vehicle collisions during that period.
Officers received a report of the first accident at 2:00 pm in the parking lot of the north end power centre when a parked 2016 Hyundai Elantra was struck causing minor damage to the rear of the vehicle. The driver of the vehicle striking the Elantra made several attempts to locate the vehicle owner by reporting the incident to store management in the area, leaving her contact information, as well as reporting the incident to police.
Approximately 15 minutes later officers responded to a collision near the intersection of Ormond Street and Central Ave resulting in minor injuries and vehicles being towed from the scene. A 4 door sedan was travelling eastbound on Central Avenue through the intersection at Ormond Street when it struck a small pickup truck attempting to make a right turn on the red light from Ormond Street eastbound onto Central Avenue. The driver of the pickup truck was charged with failing to yield under the Highway Traffic and given a provincial offences notice.
At 2:21 officers responded to another motor vehicle collision at the intersection of Stewart Boulevard and Front Ave. A southbound truck on Stewart Blvd struck a vehicle negotiating a left hand turn from Stewart Blvd onto Front Ave. Fortunately there were no injuries as a result of this collision and the driver of the car was charged under Section 141(5) of the Highway Traffic Act for making a left turn- not in safety.