Theft of Propane Tank
A 32 year old Brockville man was arrested yesterday afternoon after police received a call of a propane tank being stolen from a Brockville residence. At approximately 3:20 p.m. officers attended to a residence in the William and Pearl Street area after a witness reported seeing their neighbour’s propane tank being taken and called police.
While police were investigating the theft the man was located and arrested for the theft. It was learned he had turned the tank in at a propane exchange and received the refund.
The victim was advised of what had taken place and an agreement worked out between the involved parties. As a result the man was released unconditionally with no charges.
Break and Enter
Brockville Police are currently investigating a break and enter to an apartment unit in the Central Ave and Stewart Boulevard area. Just after 6:30 p.m. the resident of the apartment unit returned home to find her unit had been entered and contacted police.
When police arrived they interviewed the victim and several witnesses in regards to the break-in. Damage to the unit is believed to be only minor and a list of the missing items is not available at the present time.
Officers are continuing their investigation at the present time.