Break and Enter
On April 7th at 8:04 am, Brockville Police responded to a break and enter at the Recorder on Parkedale Avenue.
Sometime overnight, unknown culprits broke into the building removing items and entered a safe within the business. Staff notified Police when reporting for work in the morning. The building was absent of alarms or video footage so the exact time of the crime is unknown at this point in the investigation.
Brockville Police Identification Unit attended for possible fingerprints or any evidence left behind and the investigation is ongoing.
On April 7th at 12:40 pm., Brockville Police attended one of our high schools for a mischief complaint.
A 16 year old, male student, damaged a wall in the vice principal’s office. The young man was charged with mischief and released on conditions with a future court date.
On April 7th at 1:21 pm., Brockville Police arrested a 20 year old, Smiths Falls man, in relation to the home invasion reported on March 21st.
The man attended the Police station at the request of the investigating Officer. Charges including, assault causing bodily harm, forcible entry, assault with a weapon and weapons dangerous to the public, were laid against him. He was held in custody and will appear in bail court.
Impaired Driving
On April 7th at 2:31 pm., Brockville Police received a complaint from staff at the LCBO on Parkedale Avenue.
They were concerned about a female customer and her ability to drive. Police had obtained a plate number and learned the owner of the vehicle lived east of the city. Officers headed out the second concession and located the vehicle and driver on route home.
A local, 56 year old female, was arrested and charged with impaired driving. At the station, a second charge of driving while over the legal limit was laid after breath samples were obtained. The breath readings were roughly three times the legal limit.
She was released later with a future court date. Her licence was automatically suspended for ninety days and her vehicle impounded for seven days.
Community Service
On April 7th at 7:28 pm., Brockville Police attended a south end street to check on the wellbeing of a man.
People reported him staggering in the street and Officers noted he was under the influence of an unknown drug and unable to look after himself. The out of Province subject was taken to local hospital and admitted for proper treatment. Police learned he had been involved in a motor vehicle accident earlier in the day on the 401. That incident was being investigated by Provincial Police.
At the time of his apprehension, the 57 year old, had a quantity of narcotics and cash on his person.
Community Service
On April 7th at 10:18 pm., Brockville Police attended one of our group homes in the city to assist mental health staff.
A local, 27 year old female, was not following conditions of her treatment. Officers escorted the woman to hospital for appropriate follow up
Recovered Stolen Vehicle
On April 8th at 12:26 am, Brockville Police Officers checked on a parked vehicle in the conservation area on Centennial Road.
The vehicle was reported stolen from Quebec and the ignition had been tampered with. The original agency was notified and the vehicle was towed. There was no one in the area of the vehicle at the time.
Suspicious Person
On April 8th at 2:08 am, Brockville Police attended the Hydro-One lot on Front Avenue for a possible theft.
Their alarm company reported seeing a man inside the lot near the perimeter fencing. Officers entered the lot with an employee but could not locate anyone or anything out of place. Police will wait until Hydro investigates further to see if any offence actually took place.
On April 8th at 2:42 am, Brockville Police took a fraud complaint from a cab driver.
The complainant had picked up a fare in the Kingston area. The local, 39 year old female, failed to pay her bill when arriving in Brockville. She was charged with transportation fraud and released at the scene with a future court date.
Early in the morning of April 8th, members of the Brockville Police Service attended Belleville to arrest a man native to the city until a couple years ago.
Belleville Police dealt with the male in one of their bars. The 32 year old, had warrants from here related to drug offences, domestic incidents and failing to attend different court imposed dates. He was brought back to Brockville and will appear in bail court.