We have just launched a new crime mapping tool that is publicly available at www.brockvillepolice.com.
This new website (CrimePlot.com) is owned and managed by the Midland Police Service and was developed by S/Constable Bill Gordon, the service’s IT Manager. The concept is to allow citizens of Brockville to visualize criminal activity and police calls for service in and around the community. The site is built to be mobile-device friendly, so it should work on your smartphones and tablets as well as your desktop computers.
The mapping data is an extract from our master database and only contains incidents that meet public disclosure eligibility. We won’t provide detailed locations for any specific incident and the co-ordinates have a margin of error induced to help anonymize the visualizations. This means that the incident you see on the map did not occur at the exact pinpoint of the icon.
Incident classifications that could lead to the identity of a victim have not been included on this map. You won’t find incidents for sudden deaths (natural causes), suicides, suicide attempts, mental health issues, domestic violence, child abuse etc…
Since we only show a subset of our data you cannot expect that the number of mapped incidents (aka occurrences) that are visible are a true reflection of how many incidents are actually on file for the day(s) or time range you selected.
The tool is new, there might be the odd bug, but it is ready for public trials. Please try it out and let us know what you think. Visit often since we will be updating the data regularly and adding features that you might find useful.
We hope that you find this new tool both useful and insightful. You may be surprised to learn what is happening in your community. Sharing this with our community just makes sense.
Thank you to Bill Gordon, Chief Mike Osborne and the Midland Police Service for making this tool available.